
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

"Hi, how are you can you see me? Can you hear me?" I whispered as I glanced at his grave. Wishing I was the one who was sleeping peacefully down there and not him.

"It suits me better down there, I'm all mess up, Dravo, wish nothing of this happened," I cried as I thought back to how I found Dravo's dead body in my apartment.

I was almost finished with my chore from my part-time job when he called me, saying he would pick me up and he has something to tell me, he got a copy of my apartment's key so I told him to just wait for me there and don't bother to pick me up, I could go home alone, and so he did, he was an obedient boyfriend that's why I fell in love with him even more.

Well, the moment I reached home, the door wasn't like but the light was off, which was dubious for me,  but I didn't bother to overreact, I thought that he may be just wanted to surprise me, (that was foolish thoughts of mine)  I was all excited to enter the door but nothing happened, no surprise and no one ever switched on the light for me, until I slept on the door and something a bit sticky was on the floor and I felt nervous.

I stood up instantly and switched on the light, and there I saw myself standing on drops of blood, and when I followed the blood...

I cried as I tried to recall Dravo's face... Dravo has already no face at all, I couldn't recognize him at first but I recognized his clothes. His face was whacked too bad, and I couldn't move and scream at the same time, no matter how much I attempted, I just couldn't do it, all I had inside me was fear, shock, and pain, then when I got afraid that the killer must be still somewhere around, I gave my best effort to ran outside even if my feet were numb, and then I called the police.

It always gave me chills every time I remember that night, and all I could blame was myself, I wished I just let him pick me up, he might be alive today if only I did.

"I'm sorry, Dravo," I sobbed the whole day until I got tired of crying until I had no more tears left to cry, I was exhausted that I didn't notice that the light was gone, it was all dark.

I had no energy left when I walked back home, but my body just went all alive when I saw cops in front of my apartment.

"What happened?" I thought and I hurried near them, I was afraid that something has happened again.

'What happened?" I asked the cops and they faced me at the same time.

"Miss Ash Sharen?" one of the cops asked me.

'Yes, I am, may I know what happened?" I was nervous.

"Well, a schoolmate of yours just died and...," he said, and before he continued I cut him off, "What happened to Amanda? No, no," I cried and the police held my shoulders and said, "Ms. Ash, please calmed down," he said and I couldn't breathe properly, "What happened?" I interrogated.

"The name wasn't Amanda," he said, and I got confused then I remembered Christian.

"Oh, no, is it Christian?" I asked and they all looked at me.

"Her name is Camille, ma'am," the one answered and my eyes widened.


"Yes," he said.

"What happened to her?" 

"We found her dead near your school, and she was stabbed by someone, according to the autopsy, she got 37 stabbed," he explained and I trembled.

"37 stabbed? Who the heck will do that?" my voice was cracked, I couldn't think.

"Exactly, ma'am, that's why we're here," he said and what did he mean that's why they're here? I lifted my eyes on him and said, "That's why you're here? Are you accusing me?" I couldn't believe this!

I was cursing inside of my head.

"Calmed down ma'am," the other one said.

"How can I, I did nothing wrong," I said.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but we want to invite you to our office," he said.

'No, why me?" I asked.

'We just going to asks you a few questions and we hope you to cooperate, please, ma'am, just give us some of your time, this is for the investigation," he said and I teared up, how did I become a suspect? But I couldn't do anything, I went to the police station with them, I did it for Camille's sake.

"Where were you this afternoon," the one in blue clothes with a badged in his chest, names, Kevin, asked.

I couldn't say a word, like should I tell them that I was on my boyfriend's grave after the principal kicked me out? Should I tell them that I was there crying the whole day and wished to be dead? And so I did, they needed fact and I just said the truth.

They asked me a lot of questions, and let me go, then when I came out from the interrogation room, Amanda hugged me.

"I heard what happened, I went to your apartment and found out you are here, did they hurt you?" she asked and I shook my head.

"Thanks God," she whispered

We went home but before I entered my apartment I asked Amanda to left me alone.

"Are you sure?" she said.

"Yes, Amanda, I just wanted to be alone," I weakly said and she frowned.

She held my hands, "Okay, but give me a call if something happened, okay?" she looked at me worriedly, I just nodded and she faded away.

I felt dried up and broken, who did it to her? Is it him? But that's impossible he only killed man's who come near me.

I went to my shower and just drowned myself in there, my head was full enough to think a lot, I couldn't handle the pain and tension.

After bathing for almost four hours, I dried myself and went inside my room, blower my hair tried to act normal as if nothing happened, that nothing has died, assuming that it was all a bad dream, but I failed I knew that I was only fooling myself, then I sobbed on the floor.

"What was really going on?" I cried.

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