
Chapter 35

Chapter 35

At dinner, everyone is happy, especially Laila, who is sitting next to Alexandre. Honestly, she feels like a lovestruck teenager, her eyes light up every time she looks at him.

Morgana observes Laila's happiness beside her father and how well he treats her, wondering if he was like that with her mother. Probably, he was. He's an excellent father, and he must have been an excellent husband.

Morgana feels a penetrating gaze, and when she looks to the side, she sees Aisha blatantly watching her without averting her eyes, as if she wanted to say something.

Returning her attention to Zayn, she talks to her fiancé and her father about the wedding. Aisha isn't worth her concern.

Aisha takes her place, as usual, she was the last to arrive at the table. As she sits down, she wrinkles her lips in displeasure when she sees Laila sitting at the table with everyone.

"So now we have to share the table with the servants?" she says with an air of superiority, tilting her nose.

"Aisha!" Zay
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