
Chapter 129 - Odds Against Us

With a sudden flurry of conflicting emotions that races through me, I run outside, away from Klevon, who doesn’t make any move to stop me. My heart pounds with an intensity that I had never felt before. My mind is a jumble of thoughts, my hair flowing behind me like a flag as I run.

Outside, the night is calm and peaceful. The air is crisp and clear. The full moon above cast its gentle glow on the landscape, but it doesn’t mirror what I feel now.

I run towards the tree where Theo gave me a ring with the Pitchford crest. I want to be near him. I want to feel his embrace and to know that whatever we had was real. That this disgust I am feeling over myself can still be cleansed.

I am relieved when I see him leaning over the tree. He stands up upon seeing him.

“Kaiya,” he says. “Is it done?”

Instead of answering, with a sudden rush of emotion, I run towards him, and like an animal, I attack him with a flurry of kisses. He is taken by surprise that he stumbles backward with his arms around
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