
Use Your Feeling

Sara snorted.

"If that's her only trauma, she wouldn't be mute. It's another psychological issue. If it's just falling down the stairs, she'll probably be afraid of heights or never climb stairs again in her life. Her muteness isn't because she fell down the stairs. It represents another kind of pain, probably related to a man. Shit! I shouldn't have told you that!"

Sara is sharing too much. She shouldn't have mentioned the possibility of a man hurting Zoe.

"What kind of man?" Wolf, of course, didn't understand. Sara waved her hand, not wanting Wolf to bring up the topic of men again.

"Look. I just want to say that Zoe's issues might not be easy to handle because she won't open up to me. But that's the core of the problem. She's holding something in, keeping the pain or whatever it is inside her. I won't be able to help her unless she starts opening up herself."

"And you're giving up?" Wolf would be disappointed if Sara was truly giving up.

"I am not giving up, but I need your help. S
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