
Chapter 57

~ Rufus’s POV

Richard was a mess. Blood slicked his skin and clothes, a horrible crimson stain spreading with every ragged breath. Panic clawed at my throat, but I shoved it down. I wasn't going to let fear cloud my judgment.

Scooping him up, I screamed for help. The room, which moments ago had been filled with frantic movement, seemed to freeze. All eyes snapped to Richard, and a jolt of energy surged through the frozen medical staff. Doctors and nurses surged forward, a wave of purpose crashing over their initial shock.

Gently, I laid Richard on the nearest bed. There was no time for niceties. With trembling hands, I ripped away his bloodied clothes, exposing the gruesome wound. It was a gaping gash, deep and angry, spewing crimson like a broken faucet.

"We need supplies, now!" I barked at the nurse closer to me. My voice, ragged with fear and adrenaline, cut through the tense silence. Thankfully, she didn't hesitate.

Moments later, she shoved a tray overflowing with bandages, gauze
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