

hi I get stressed related headaches, and I guess socializing with my mil was too much. ;) or it's pms. anyway, I've written half a chapter, but I can't finish it right now due to a massive headache.

I'll go sleep now and hopefully be able to finish tomorrow.

I know you aren't complaining, and you're always supportive. I just wanted to keep you updated, so you're not waiting for nothing.

I also wrote the last 5 chapters without a clear plan, just letting my imagination lead, but now I have to tie it all together. So I'm to make a plan, but it isn't easy with my head pounding.

Comments (10)
goodnovel comment avatar
Melissa Brown
Get better I had the worse headache yesterday to take care of yourself
goodnovel comment avatar
Crystal Thomson
i hope you start feeling better rest and take something for it
goodnovel comment avatar
Joanne Julian
xtake care of yourself and feel better. we'll be here when you get back. thank you for letting us know!! hugs ...

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