
Author's Note

Hello, Readers.

This is Zila Aicha who wants to thank to all of you who have given time to read this book until this book comes to end.

I'm happy to know that this story catches you. I never imagine that William Mackenzie's story is liked by many readers. Here, I want to say that I'm nothing without you, guys.

And then now, after the story is over, I would like to ask to you, whether you want me to continue the story. If it is yes, I would write the story of the son of William Mackenzie, but if it not, I will ask my editor to mark this story into the completed book.

I'll be glad to know your response about this, guys. Thank you for your kind attention.

Best Regards,

Zila Aicha

Comments (23)
goodnovel comment avatar
John Andrensek
Zila..if you feel fresh keep going with Bill's offsprings. Thanks for the escapism with humanity and ethics, pls extend Bill's journey with a slant of existential philosophy in mind this would be refreshing and reinventing Bill and Cas.
goodnovel comment avatar
thanks very much for the wonderful novel, just hoping for part two.
goodnovel comment avatar
Rodrigo Sevillano
i like the story en i would like it much better if u continue the story with their coming son soon.

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