
Friend or Foe

" Miss Gwen, this is the third time I'm reapplying your makeup , the director will call you any minute now to shoot your scene and you can't shoot it looking apprehensive. " The makeup artist calmly said , more like she wanted it to be a scolding but she can't afford to offend Gwen.

" Because you're being allowed to touch my face doesn't give you any right to tell me what to do , I gave you this job and I can still take it from you ! " Gwen warned sternly, staring daggers at her through the mirror .

Anyone in their right senses wouldn't stare back and that's exactly what the makeup artist did.

Shooting this mistress scene isn't what making her nervous but something else is

Ever since Liam told her he's suspecting her involvement in Rose's death Gwen hasn't had a piece of mind .

She doesn't want this whole revenge thing to ruin her chances of getting married to Liam , that's why she agreed to team up with the mysterious man and accept his offer.

Now it seems to her that her involveme
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