
Rivero's Nightmare ll

Hera nodded as she read Rivero's mind and confirmed his suspicions " Someone indeed sold us out, but who ?" Her brows furrowed at the thought of it.

But they didn't have have time to dwell on the issue because five more armed men came into view , Hera as well took out her shotgun and gunner down three of the men that was close to Rivero , putting herself in an unfavorable position but she careless, she winced when a bullet come in contact with her skin .

Bam !

She was shot on the shoulder,blood spluttered out and trekked down her arm staining her once immaculate white long sleeve shirt, turning it crimson red. She turned to see the bastard that shot her , disregarding the pain that shot through her arm her eyes become bloodshot as she aimed at him . The click sound of her gun cut short her joy of making a hole on his head with her bullet.

Shit ! Am out

Throwing away her gun , she clenched her fist and waved at the men belonging to the Rainbow guild

" Show me what you've got ,
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