
Stalling the inevitable

Liam returned to his house later that night and the living room was engulfed in pin drop silence. His footsteps echoed in the hallway of the first floor .

His eyes flitted to Chloe's bedroom. He noticed the lights in her room were off which means she was sound asleep.

Blaze suddenly appeared out of nowhere, leaning on the wall of the hallway he followed Liam's line of sight . Immediately he knows what's going on in his mind .

" She's asleep, if that's what you are wondering about "

Liam turned to see the invader of his thought.

" And what makes you think I was thinking about her " Liam snapped and shot a glare at him.

" Who are you kidding Liam, it's written all over your voice . You do care for her " Blaze uttered blatantly, he couldn't stand by and watch this blindly anymore.

" And who made you the judge of that ? Liam demanded, his tone indifferent

" You're only stalling the inevitable"

" What are you still doing in my house? Last I checked you have your own villa in this city "
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