
(24) Always There


This is a lovely update for you lovely people 😊

Thank you for everything!

Enjoy 😊


Dean, who are you? Are you that important to me that Charlie was threatened by you?

Were you my new best friend? If Beth is your girlfriend then maybe you were really close to me. Is that the reason why Charlie lied to me? Because he doesn't want you replacing his title as my best friend?

Because knowing Charlie Langston, he'll always want to be my best friend, he wouldn't have it any other way.

I watched as cars pass by beside us and I continued on being silent. Charlie must have a reason on why he lied to me, but whatever that reason is, if he wouldn't tell me, then it would be useless.

How bad is his reason anyways? If he just told me the truth, then we wouldn't be in this mess right now; if he hadn't lied to me about the crash, then maybe there is no mess at all. But for him to risk our friendship like this for that reason, it must've been really bad.

And if it's really really bad, th
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