
(9) Great

"So you are saying that the tooth fairy is going to visit me?!" A little girl asked Charlie. Her blonde hair was put into pigtails and she was wearing two pink ribbons on each of the tails. She was grinning so widely, so happy, that she showed off her teeth with a missing tooth.

She's not from my daycare, that's for sure.

"YUP!" Charlie beamed happily as he wiggles, yes wiggles, his butt. "And I bet that she's going to leave a gift!"

"A gift??" She gasped, "Is the tooth fairy Santa Clause?!"

If tooth fairy is a girl, why the heck would she be Santa Clause? -Oh I don't know, she's probably cosplaying. That would be so cool.

"No, but she is actually a close friend of Santa Clause" He gasped amusingly, "Just like how I am close with Santa Clause!"

"You're a fairy?!" Her eyes widened with amusement written all over her face.


"But you're a boy..." She suddenly frowned, "In a dress."


"Who said boys' can't wear one?" He asked, laughing awkwardly.

Her answer made me gape at the
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