
Chapter 15 - She Is Pregnant!

"Your sister?" Justin asked incredulously.

"Yes, Nina and Selena are my sworn sisters. We came from the same orphanage but we are closer than real brothers and sisters anyway." Brian replied calmly. "Seems like she didn't tell you. You are not that close after all." He sounded happy at the end.

Justin turned to look at Nina and asked incredulously,

"You didn't cheat?"

Selena rolled her eyes at him and said furiously,

"Of course, little darling would never cheat. I was the one who came up with that plan to mislead you to think she cheated. She only agreed because of how much she was hurt. YOU are the one who cheated, not her!"

Justin and Brian stiffened but for different reasons.

Brian turned to look at Nina and asked coldly,

"He hurt you? He frigging hurt you!"

Mrs Walters and Sophie sensing things were about to turn awry rushed to mediate although they were also suprised at the turn of events. It was more exciting than a rollercoaster ride and their little hearts almost could not take it.

Sophie went to Brian's side and Mrs Walters to Justin's side.

"Brian darling, calm down. It might just all be a misunderstanding"

"If it is a misunderstanding then why is he not denying it?"

"Stop..." Nina began but before she could finish what she wanted to say, she fainted right away.

"Nina!" Selena's screamed.

It made Brian and Justin come back to their senses as they rushed towards her.

Brian wanted to carry her and Justin also did. Selena coldly told Justin to let Brian carry her as she wouldn't want him to touch her.

* * * * *


The four of them paced anxiously at the corridor of the hospital VIP room. They all rushed towards the doctor the moment she stepped out of the room.

"What is wrong with her, doctor?" Selena asked anxiously.

The remaining three also looked anxiously at the doctor.

The female doctor, Dr. Evans smiled and as she spoke,

"Congratulations, The lady inside is 3 months pregnant"

The news stunned them all especially Brian who angrily turned to Justin and gave him a punch on his face.

"F*ck you! You fr*king impregnated my sister then went and cheated on her. Are you even human?"

Selena also turned to look at him angrily.

Justin seemed oblivious to the fact that he just got punched and started laughing and crying at the same time.

"Nina is pregnant..... She is pregnant.... For me... Hahahaha"

The doctor interrupted them by continuing,

"But she is depressed. I don't know what happened to her but if she isn't taken care of properly, she might lose the baby."

Justin's laugh got caught in his throat as his eyes widened,

"She has depression?" 

"It is only mild. As long as she is positively happy, everything will be fine. That is why I will recommend that she lives in a place where there are more people with positive vibes. It can help"

"We understand, thank you" Mrs Walters politely thanked the doctor she left.

"I didn't know anything. I should have known, I should have!" Selena started blaming herself and cried as soon as the doctor left. 

Brian embraced and comforted her,

"You couldn't have known, Sel'. Maybe she doesn't even know herself"

Selena continued crying for a while then stopped and wiped her face.

"There is no point crying now, is there? We can only help her get better now"

They all went inside the room to see Nina who was already awake and subconsciously rubbing her stomach. She had the gentle glow that expecting mothers had on her face.

"She already told you?" She paused in her actions and gently asked the people who came in with Justin trudging behind.

"Um, she already told us" Selena answered for them all. " Congratulations"

"Thank you" she smiled happily and then turned to look at Brian who face was still black and pouted.

"Brother, are you not going to congratulate me. It is your nephew or niece in my stomach."

Brian snorted,

"Getting yourself knocked up before marriage and by an irresponsible man by that. Are you proud of it?" Even though his mouth were saying harsh words, he still couldn't help but walk to her bed and check in her in detail.

"What man? This is MY child only. It belongs to no man!" Nina declared.

"Nina..." Justin moved towards her and called out desperately. "This is also my child, OUR child. Are you going to deny him of his father just because of your revenge on me?"

She looked at him and answered coldly,

"At least having a father who is dead is better than having a father who is a cheater. I will not allow MY child to have a step- sibling!"

"Nina..." Justin wanted to continue but was stopped by Mrs Walters who interrupted him and turned to her.

"Nina, I don't care what happened betweens the both of you but the child in your stomach is my first grandchild. I can't let go just because of the two of you problems and the doctor said you have mild depression, you have to be somewhere with a lot of people during your pregnancy or you might lose the baby"

Nina paled when she heard she might lose her baby and subconsciously rubbed her stomach.

"So that is why...I want to invite you to live with us for the remaining 6 months until you give birth." Nina was about to interrupt her when she raised her hand to stop her and continued. "Listen to what I have to say first, I won't be inviting you alone but also Brian and Selena. You can all have a room or you can live together with Selena like you always did. More people especially your loved ones will prevent you from thinking about unnecessary things. Think about it Nina, not just for your sake but also your child's"

Selena and Brian nodded at her to accept and she did.

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