
Journey Begins

CHAPTER-3 [Journey Begins]


"Why are they after me?" was the question bothering my heart as I ran out of the car. I didn't want to use my power so I ran like a normal human but was surprised to meet their leader ahead of me. I stood still, frightened as hell, moving back while he was moving closer to me.

"Who are you?" I asked him and he laughed taking his steps closer

"It seems you don't who I am?, she's yet to tell you," he said still moving closer to me and I thread my steps backwards fearfully, ready to run again

"Who the hell are you?" I screamed at him showing some sort of underived courage but scared within.

"Okay, I'm Lawrence by the name," he said, still moving closer to me

"And what does your name have to do with me," I asked him and he laughed hysterically.

"My name has nothing to do with you, but yours has something to do with me" he retorted and stopped.

Then something unexpected happened, suddenly a lady with a covered face flew out from nowhere and stood in between Lawrence and me.

"Who the hell are you?" Lawrence asked her and the next incident that happened made me almost pee in my trousers.

Lawrence who was standing with his two feet was taken away from the ground. The only thing I noticed was that the unknown lady was saying some unknown words, it sounded gibberish to my ear and Lawrence was taken away as a paper blew away by the wind.

Some Lycans were already approaching us when this happened, on sighting what the strange lady did to their leader, they attacked her from different angles but they were all set ablaze with just a spell.

" Shit " I exclaimed with my mouth agape and took my heels. I ran back to meet Mr Richard and his family. Before I got there, they had defeated the Lycans and they were almost healed up. 

"Thank goodness you are safe," Ella said as she sighted me and ran to hug me.

"Who the hell are those people?" I asked Mr Richard because I knew he would know little or more about them, though have heard stories about Lycans but them after me is something else


They all sat around the table as they always did, each of them casting various spells. Their leader came in and they all bowed their heads as a sign of respect.

"How was it?" their leader asked none in particular but facing them.

"My lady, he's yet to discover who he is," one of them sitting around the table answered her.

             EDDIE'S POV

"I still don't get it, why are they after me?, why me of all the people in New Rochelle city?," I asked Mr Richard who told me there is something they need from me.

"Your mum will tell you more, go ask her," Mr Richard said and I was surprised. Does that mean he knows who I am?

"What are you talking about dad?" the twins asked their dad at once.

"It's nothing kids, let's go home, it's late already," Mr Richard said, stealing a glance at me which made me wonder what he meant.



"Let her go," a thick masculine voice said to two guys who were about to assault a lady or suck her blood. The guys turned back to see who had the guts to talk to them. 

"Who are you?" one of them asked. 

"Your worst nightmare" the guy replied with much courage moving close to them.

"It looks like you've signed our death warrant already, isn't it?."  The second guy asked, showing his fangs which made the unknown guy laugh.

"You should have watched your tongue before uttering such a foolish statement", the guy said, making a joke of them and the two guys brought out their claws and went after him.

"The guy replicated himself into two, in less than one minute, and defeated the two vampires. Then went to untie the lady they caught and was surprised by the beauty he saw.

"Please don't kill me," the lady said with a pleading tone

"It's okay, I'm here to save you. I'm Dave by the way" the guy said with a smile embedded on his face and his other part which he replicated merged with him

"I'm Susannah" the lady replied, smiling like someone who just fulfilled a secret mission.


I got home with various thoughts flooding my mind. I met my mum cooking dinner.

"Mum, we need to talk," I said immediately as I stepped inside.

"Help me with the water over there," she said, diverting what I said.

"Mum, did Mr Richard know who I am?"  I asked and she sighs. She told me to sit down, which I did because I was already anxious.

"It's time to start your journey, you have a great destiny to fulfil, likewise a great battle ahead of you." She said and I gasped out with a perplexed countenance because I still can't comprehend what she means. 

"I don't get what you said, battle as to how?" I asked her trying to calm my nerve, maybe if I do, I was going to understand her

"It's a long story, Eddie," she said sighing

"I am ready to listen" I retorted, giving her my full attention.

"I'm not the person in place to tell you all the past because I only knew little about it," she said

"The night you were born, a mysterious light came directly to the cave where I hid and touched your head, that's how you got the "S" mark on your forehead."


"The son in your hand is not just an ordinary child, he has been gifted with various powers to bring balance to the world. You must teach him all that he needs to know before he clocks 20yrs of age because his enemies are already lurking around in the dark to destroy him."

"I'm sorry, what did you mean by saying before he clocks 20yrs of age?"

"Until he clocks 20yrs, then he will have the access to his full powers because he's naturally gifted by the gods, your son is a demigod. He has a great destiny to fulfil and a great battle to fight, though he won't do this alone, he's going meet his team, together they'll bring balance to the world"


"Who was the person that told you all these?" I asked her after she finished narrating everything to me.

"A sorcerer I never met nor saw before, my dear son, everything in life happens for a reason. Ella and Carson are part of your team and you must protect them" my mum said, placing both hands on my shoulders.

"How did Mr Richard know about me?". I asked cutely.

"I told him myself, he and his wife were the only people who know about your true identity."

"But why are the Lycans after me?" I asked again with curiosity written all over my face.

"That I don't know son,  but I know it's part of your battle" she answered and I brought my face down into my palm in frustration

               WOLVES CAMP

"No need to go after him now, all we need to do now is defeat our rivals, but for now, let's go cause some havoc to retrieve the device, it is going to make us stronger. 

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