
Chapter 50

At noon, the Fitzgeralds sent someone to pick up Jade. What surprised Jade was that the person who came turned out to be Caelan. He sat in the car with an air of nobility, his expression stern and his presence unwelcoming.

Jade suddenly lost the courage to speak to him. She cautiously got in the car and sat stiffly on one side.

Samuel, who saw Jade get seated, started the car and drove off.

The atmosphere in the car felt dense, making even breathing difficult.

Jade's heart was racing, and she sat rigidly in her seat like a stone. She didn't speak because she was too nervous. Caelan didn't speak because he thought the whole situation was absurd. Both of them were silent, each lost in their own thoughts, and the tension didn't ease even after they got out of the car.

Kennedy, however, was delighted to see Jade. "Jade, you'll have to live with this brat for a while. If he dares to bully you, just tell me and I'll straighten him out."

Caelan frowned. "Live with me?"

He clearly hadn'
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