

It was only a few minutes but it seemed like it was forever as time just said still around them as they waited for somebody to do something to get their son back. The questions towards jade had stopped as they had realized that this was not her overreacting or something had happened and she was trying to cover it up. Both parents who had not been together had the same story about the stepmother trying to come after them. Once the lawsuit had been brought up then there stood that this was something more like a retaliation.

There were a lot of other factors of the detective was getting such as the fact that japed ex boyfriend who had died and was the biological father of the child and also had an affair with her stepmother who had lost their baby. Once that was actually stated they realized that this wasn't a cover up for anything in the fereos for the couple. It was something extremely nefarious for the woman though.

it seemed like everything was at a stan

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