
20 - That's Not Us

~Sunny’s Point of View~

I was in a deep sleep but I knew I was tossing and turning. Stuck seeing that damn witch’s face. Did she do something to me? What did she want?

I could have sworn I felt a presence behind me. But I couldn’t wake up. Get away, get away! Run, damn it run! But I couldn't, something was holding me.

“Shhh, shhh sweet girl it’s me, you’re safe,” I heard, just as my eyes flashed open.

I blew out a huge gulp of air and nearly choked. My heart was racing, I was sweating. I turned into Godfrey and relaxed right away. He stroked my hair and held me tight until my heartbeat leveled.

“There there, what was all that,” he finally said.

I pulled back to meet his eyes, they looked full of concern. I felt so exposed, I truly lived such a sheltered and carefree life. Was that all catching up with me?

“That witch … I am seeing her in my dreams, do you think Angel could like give me a witch physical, see if she did something to me, to my mind,” I said, wondering if that was a thing
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