
Chapter 4 A Pot of Tea

Grace didn’t know whether she should get up and leave or sit and wait. she couldn’t tell how the meeting with Nicko went. Grace had rehearsed so many conversations with herself for this moment. but now that she was here she was at loss for words. or maybe it was the fact that she did not get the desired response from Nicko? he didn't respond he just...left. it was as if there was an invisible bridge between the two of them. one was standing on the other side of the bridge shouting to the one on the other side, but could not read the body language of the person on the one side of the bridge.

she knew for a fact that he got the message of what she had come here to convey, but that was about it. he didn't say or show any emotion about how he felt about the news. he didn't say anything at all. she couldn’t read him. He was a closed book.

How easier life had been on the ship. how easy was their communication? they could talk for hours on end, she longed for that bond again. to just talk to him.

A knock on the door disturbed her thoughts.

“Excuse me, Miss Moon,” Mr. Monrow was carrying a tray of sweet treats and a pot of tea.

“Mr. Meyer thought you might like some afternoon tea,” he said kindly, she wondered if she was imagining things or if Mr. Monrow was avoiding looking her in the eye. unlike earlier where he looked at her without uneasiness but now he seemed reserved somehow.

She didn’t think she could stomach anything after that episode. But even she had to admit that the pastry on the tray looked tempting and she didn’t remember the last time she properly sat down to eat. her stomach has been in knots recently in anticipation of this appointment. even that morning she had not eaten anything.

“Where is Mr. Meyer,” she asked when James put the tray gently down on the table in front of her.

“He had some urgent business to attend to in his study,” he said kindly

“Now if you would please excuse me.” leaving her to her emotions. he seemed in a hurry to get out of there before she asked any more questions. she wondered what could Nicko be busy with in his study that was so urgent. she had set the meeting to see him in good time and he had set this day and time to meet with her. 'could it be that he was avoiding her? of cause he was avoiding her.'

Grace took off her shoes to make herself comfortable and put cream in her tea.

She was not one to rush matters, for now, she would enjoy some tea. If Nicko wasn’t ready to talk to her, that was nothing to be gloomy about. He probably needed some time to cool off and get used to the idea.

'It was a big idea.'

To expect him to get used to it in a matter of minutes was unrealistic and childish.

Almost seven months had passed since she secretly left the cruise ship in the middle of the night. For the past six months, she had done nothing but look for the man she thought was her soul mate. Their time on the ship hadn’t given her much to go on with. They didn't talk much about their lives outside the ship but pretty much kept their mouths occupied with other important tasks. Grace knew who Nickolas Meyer was then. everyone knew who Nickolas Meyer was. but she also knew the real Nickolas Meyer who wasn't pretentious. the shy and sensitive Nickolas Meyer that no one saw in the tabloids and business meetings. but she never thought it would be this difficult to track him down. his secretary gave her the run around for months before she could agree on a day and time for the meeting. she told Grace that Mr. Meyer wanted the meeting to take place at his residential home away from prying eyes, which sounded reasonable to Grace. what he did not tell his Secretary about Grace was how he knew Miss Moon. he let her set up the meeting saying he will handle the rest and this was how he was handling it, but walking out of the room and leaving her alone.

'You should have known.' she reprimanded herself.

The man was a self-made billionaire and a respected businessman. With an airtight security system, which explained why it had taken her nearly seven months to be able to meet with him at his private residence.

'Maybe he had moved on or he was in his study calling the police to come and throw her out.'' the voice in her head was saying, but she was not about to give in to it right now. because that would just take her down a path she was not prepared to go.

As she looked around the cozy library, she could see herself living there. with all her needs and wants taken care of. she was impressed by the art on the wall she saw when she came in and saw herself adding more of it, together with portraits of Nicko and her with their child... she had to stop herself before she got carried away with the fairytale thoughts. her only plan of action at the moment was to sit and wait it out, which was easier said than done. she was itching to get up and walk around the big mansion, opening doors and shouting Nickos name like a mad person, but she would wait...for now.

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