
CII: Dreaded Two Minutes

“Watch and learn, Sally.” Oli confidently said as she strutted her way to Pedro’s seat. She gave him a big smile and said, “You’re becoming a regular here, sir.”

Pedro looked at Oli, confused, and he didn’t look too pleased. Oli cleared her throat to save her from the awkward silence and continued, “I’m Oli, I’m the owner here. We met a couple of days back.”

“I remember, and so?”

“Uh, well, so… I was wondering….” Oli stuttered as she quickly thought about the next thing she would say, “Do you maybe want to upgrade to our VIP list? I mean, it has better benefits; discounts, and I would gladly walk you through it. So, do you want to?”

Pedro sighed, annoyed, and then he glared at Oli as he said, “Do I look like someone with no money?”

“I’m sorry?”

“I said do I look like someone who’s broke

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