

Alexander continued to nonchalantly eat his breakfast as he continued, “Are you done? Can I at least enjoy my food without you? You know I hate noise.”

Stephanie snapped as she sarcastically replied, “Oh, you hate noise?”

Then, out of the blue, Stephanie grabbed the plates and dropped each one on the floor, breaking them like a crazy woman. Oli tried to stop her, but Stephanie threatened, “If you take another step closer, I’ll shut your whole restaurant down. Don’t test me, Oli.”

“Stephanie.” Alexander glared, “Stop this nonsense.”

“Years, Alexander! Years. I’ve loved you for years! Do you have any idea?” Stephanie, who usually hated it when her clothes got dirty, did not seem to mind the food stains that got on her dress each time she dropped a messy plate on the floor.

The customers ran away, scared and all. Oli tried to compensate them and console them.

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