

All that mattered to Greg at the moment was to get xyoan back, at the lat minute he changed his mind and walked out of his office In haste

His mind bothered ,he hoped Liam had not spoken to her about leaving yetz although he could not understand what exactly his excuse would be the moment he gets asked as to why he had not been around her all day.

To his very suprise he sees her standing with some Look on her face, a pout as well.

She looked different he could hardly reckognise Her, she looked way too different then she had done from the very beginning,

Merwky by the way she atoodbitbtells a awhoek new different story

Could it be her hair that had been packed into a messy bun.

Could it be the clothes? Or was he seeing things wrong? Greg asks from afar, saying slowly to himself.

It was obvious although, she was way too intrigued in the conversation shebhad been sharing with Liam,

But that litlre scene he watched play iutbat the moment being wmain reason to question.

Why was Liam wh
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