

Liam had gotten another shock yet still from greg.

"You say what?" Liam asks like though he had not heard his friend speak now.

"You heard me right Liam you can go, have fun I'll be out of your hair for now though, have all schedules canceled out ,be safe and be home in time" Greg says as he pats Liam on the shoulder causally.

All this seemed like a trick to Liam, a strap of some sorts and he was into it for any reason.

"I do not believe a word you say '' Liam answers, chirping in real quick.

"It's okay, I can't just let these things pass down, you both can go, you have a boring life already. I do not think making it worse would do me any good." Greg says trying hard not to break down.

For him this is just too big of a decision he had made liam did not believe anything Greg had said but then he knew he would do just about anything for xylan so that explains why he had allowed them to go on but what was he being so moody.

"You could come though, it would be fun if it was all three of
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