
Chapter 59: Make Out.


The words seemed to echo, bouncing off the walls of the room and coming to rest between them, daring him to move. To quit being a fucking coward and take the next step.

But Bran stood right where he was, still unsure of everything.

What were they doing?

Most importantly, what was he doing?

But he knew what he was doing, didn't he? He was finally admitting to this amazing woman that he didn't really hate her as much as he liked to make her believe. He was finally admitting that he felt something for her—something other than hate and anger and derision.

Something that made his chest tighten every fucking time he looked at her.

He wasn't sure what it was. He didn't want to put a name to it. But he had a sinking suspicion it came dangerously close to like.

Because if he didn't hate her then that meant he liked her right? Even though he wasn't exactly there yet, but he was getting close. And if she continued showing him those little vulnerable bits of herself, he was going to di
Anya Ivy

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Comments (6)
goodnovel comment avatar
They honestly never do.
goodnovel comment avatar
doing that without a straight explanation it is truly painful, men don't do that ever.
goodnovel comment avatar
So glad you love it! No, the collar is still around her neck, also, yesss haha

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