

Ira jumped out of the window. With the agility of a cat, she overcame the fortress wall and jumped into the thick grass surrounding Tantario's castle. Thanks to Lonter, the girl knew that Tristan’s location was not so far away. An ordinary portal, of course, could bring her there in a matter of moments, but the Chosen One never learned to use her Power. What can I say, she didn’t really understand what it was. The image of the Lord flashed in my head again and again - his cruel grin and bloodthirsty eyes. If this beast gets to Tristan, the blond will not survive. The king's predatory gaze made it clear that he wanted the young lord dead.

Only now did Ira realize that she had spent too much time with Lonter. The Lord and his henchmen will reach Tristan much earlier. The girl will have to hurry, hoping that she will have time to help the cocky Tantario and the good-natured William.

Ira ran, using her strength to the limit, tensing every muscle. She still remembered the pain she felt upo
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