
Back So Soon

"For me?" He asked in a low but teasing tone, watching Darun instantly scramble for his shirt the next instant without looking back.

Darun didn't have to turn around to recognize the voice that tormented him both at night and even during the day.

"WH…what are you doing back so soon? Weren't you going to a war meeting? Isn't it supposed to go on for a long time?" Darun asked question after question even as he jerked the blanket off the bed and used it to cover himself when he could not easily grab the clothes he had tossed to the other side of the bed in his hurry.

"Kal can't hold the meeting for too long or it would attract unwanted attention. Moreover, I missed you enough to rush back," Geran replied, smiling at him with a sincere smile on his face, one Darun would have found endearing if he didn't know what usually came next.

True to his word, Geran actually did everything he could to make him comfortable and they snuck out many times, both during the day and night, even more, so tha
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