
Don’t Touch what’s Mine

“I’m a fool. I was a fool to think that there could be any benefit from aligning myself with the enemy,” King Horanis thought while outwardly nodding his head in agreement to what Locan said.

While at that point deciding to do all he can to eradicate all the vampires even if he had to join hands with the kingdom of Elfina, even though he get that with what he had done, they would appreciate his head on a platter more.

“If we all remain calm, we can show the witches that they can’t break us. They also killed a lot of my people this morning,” Locan continued to speak while Horansi was angrily yelled at him in his mind while keeping a neutral expression on his face.

“Can a few noblemen and their guards compare to the tens of knights and nobles that seem to be dying in droves,” King Hiransi yelled within himself while doing everything he physically could to continue to remain calm when all he wanted was to pounce on King Locan and rip his throat out.

His eyes slowly trailed toward Locan’s
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