
Private Audience

For a while Fera had been asking for an audience with her father in private, only to keep getting ignored which was why the moment she got a message that her father would like to see her, she was excited and instantly moved to see him.

On entering his study, she wasn't surprised to see that he was alone, as she quickly say on the chair she was offered.

"Would you like to be the heir to the throne?" He asked her looking straight into her eyes as he did, not bothering to mince words or border with the usual formalities of father and child, he sometimes started with.

Hearing this question, at first, Fera's thought was to deny it and have others simply continue to push her forward, but seeing the curious expression on her father's face she decided to answer honestly, having decided in her heart that even if he didn't want her to become King after him, it wasn't like he had a choice in the matter especially since she was the only candidate left.

"Yes, Father. I want to be the heir to the th
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