
Author's Note 💕

Hi everyone,

This is your incredibly super idiotic author who went away on a long long break. Technically, it wasn't that long but it felt long. But, just for confirmation this book isn't abandoned and we'll see the end of it together in September.

I'm so thankful for all your support. It really means a lot lot to me. I just can't find words to convey it to you.

Thank you. Really.

Thank you for being together on this ride with me. Thank you for being here even when at times I just felt like giving up writing. Thank you for supporting the book.

And, thank you for reading it even though most of you don't comment. Well, I'm a silent reader myself so I've got no rights to complain about that.

But, thank you so much.

Each one of you being here really means a lot to me. You all mean a lot to me.


See ya all on September 1st!

Love you all,


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