
Bonus Chapter : Because I love you guys all too much!

And, The mysterious door sucked in Eleanor. And, she was forever lost.

The End.

Hey! Sorry! It didn't end here. But I thought it would be nicer if you'd get to know your leads better. So I arranged this Bonus Chapter for you guys and we shall interview them today.

Sounds exciting. Right?

So what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Author : Hey Eleanor! How are you feeling today?

Eleanor : (smiles) Just great! Thank you for inviting me here.

Author : (smiles back) Thank you for coming here. So Eleanor, could you please tell our dear readers a little about you?

Eleanor : Ah sure! Well hello guys! I'm Eleanor. Just Eleanor. I'm twenty-two years old. My birthday is on the 13th of December. My favourite colour is purple. I guess… that's all? Oh yeah! My nicknames are El, Flower, etc. Actually just call me whatever you like.

Author : Okay! Sooo you are from Eleneas?

Eleanor : Definitely.

Author : Do you miss your mother? What happened to your father? We never got to meet him in the story.

Eleanor : I… I do miss her a lot. (tears appear at the corner of the eye). As, for my father, I just know his face. Nothing else. Can we proceed further?

Author : Sure. Just feel comfortable.

Eleanor : Thanks.

Author : So Eleanor! Any tips you would like to give to others who aspire to be an assassin?

Eleanor : Umm… Honestly, don't become one unless you like- . Actually, just don't. Don't put your life in danger. Don't kill anyone else needlessly.

But, if you do want to become an assassin like me who's notorious throughout the kingdom. Just kill a few corrupt-. No, forget it. I don't wanna get canceled. Don't do anything that would put you behind bars.

Author : I see. What are your thoughts on Daniel?

Eleanor : (laughs) I kinda knew that question would be there. Just didn't know this early. Well… Daniel is a sweet guy, isn't he?

Author : Indeed. Just the sweetest and most doting boyfriend. I definitely want a boyfriend like him!

Eleanor : Yup. I love him too. (gets lost in thought) If only he hadn't lied to me. Everything would have been perfect.

Author : If he hadn't lied. Would you guys have ever been together?

El : Honestly?

Author : (nods head)

El : No. Maybe not. But, still.

Author : Okayyyy… What was it like for you? To fall in love with Daniel?

El :I… I...I don't really know how to say it. But I guess. It was when I looked at him. It all changed. The world around me stopped. I don't really know how it happened. I guess it just did. The moment he put his arms around me. The way he cared for me like no one ever did after my mother. That warmth from a stranger when we first touched. It was new. The electricity I feel through my body whenever he's beside me makes me feel as if I could do anything. I guess that was what it was like for me. Yeah.

Author : Did ever feel like this was wrong? know, we go like… This is a wrong decision. Was it ever like that?

El : To be honest, it wasn't wrong. It wasn't a mistake. It was just too good to be true. So good that my heart at times felt it was just an illusion which would fade away and that was actually what made me scared. But, it wasn't a wrong decision. Not even when I discovered his lie.

Author : So it wasn't a mistake? Even when you said it was.

El : People say and do a lot of things in anger. Doesn't mean they mean all of them.

Author : I see. By the way, you are quite a good singer, aren't you?

El : Not really. All I have is little inherited talent from my mother.

Author : It's pretty good for just an inherited talent. I'd say.

El : That's really sweet of you. God! Thank you for saying that.

Author : What are your thoughts on Henry by the way? (Eyes sparkle with curiosity)

El : He's like a very good friend and a brother I have.

Author : But, didn't Henry lie to you as well? Why doesn't his lie affect you as much as Daniel's did?

El : That's because I never really expected anything from him. He was just like a person I could talk to. However, Daniel? I placed my entire heart in his hands and he went out to crush it in a jiff. He also broke our promise.

Author : I see. I don't know what else to ask. Anything you want to say?

El : I don't know. I… ThThank you so much for inviting me here. I guess you are running out of time.

Author : I am, actually. I have 3 assignments due and I haven't even started. Can you help in doing assignments?

El : Well… I can watch over you. But I won't help with it. I can more like the parent standing behind the child making sure he's doing his work.

Author : That's not fun.

El : Sorry? I guess I should go now. I have to continue with my research.

Author : Please.


Author : Hello Daniel!

Daniel : Hello, Miss. Author.

Author : *scratches head* Very formal.

Daniel : Pardon?

Author : Nothing. Tell us something about you, Your Majesty.

Daniel : Well… I am the King of Eleneas and I have a very cool girlfriend who's just really...

Author : She's just headstrong.

Daniel : More like stupid but cute half of the time.

Author : I see. So how's your kigdom doing?

Daniel : It's running smoothly till now. But the assassination attempts have been increasing day by day.

Author : Any idea who is behind all of this?

Daniel : No. But I have my men trying to find the culprit's identity. It's quite hard but I'm pretty sure we'll find them in no time.

Author : (whispers) Pfft. Eleanor is more contempt than you at this point now.

Daniel : Excuse me?

Author : *coughs* Nothing. What's your favourite colour Daniel?

Asher : Dark Navy Blue.

Author : When did you realise that you have feelings for Eleanor?

Daniel : It was when I first saw her running and laughing around with kids. I just knew I had to have her.

Author : Well… What's the relationship between you and Kiera?

Daniel : How do you know about Kiera?

Author : Just do. So?

Daniel : Well, we studied in the same school. We are friends. To find out more, just continue reading the book.

Author : Anything you would like to add for our lovely beautiful readers?

Daniel : Not really. I have work to do.

Author : I see.

Daniel : I have to leave now. Can we wrap this up?

Author : Ah sure! Your business must be important. Thank you for being here with us. It was a pleasure.

Daniel : Same here. (gets up and leaves)

Author : Man! That was so tense. I never felt this much nervousness during my exams.

Someone behind the camera : He's a king. What did you expect?

Author : A little friendliness?

Someone behind the camera : That's only for Eleanor. And, you definitely aren't her.

Author: Sad life. Anyway , thank you for being here. That's all Daniel and Eleanor for today. If there are more questions please comment them and we can hold another interview when I am free.

*Runs off to finish her assignment*

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