
Chapter 110 - Remembering

Eleanor's P.O.V

I stared at Daniel's face as he brought a spoon of porridge near my face before speaking,"The Doctor has said you've fractured your finger bones. I'll help you with things till then. He said he's giving you the best medicine in entire of Eleneas. So, I expect your recovery in a week. And, open your mouth now."

I reluctantly opened my mouth and allowed him to feed me the porridge. My mind was still trying to process everything that had happened in the last few days.

Our marriage, Danielle and just everything revolving around us.

As I swallowed the chewed food down my throat, I held his hand staring at him with conflict in my eyes. His confused eyes traced from my hand to my face.

"What is it, Eleanor?" he asked, concern etched on his features.

I took a deep breath before speaking softly, "Daniel, I just need some time to process everything that's happened. And, you must also have to talk to the nobles."

Daniel nodded slowly, understanding evident in his eyes. "Of cou
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