
Chapter 139 - Caged Again

Eleanor's P.O.V.

"Come on. Last bite." Daniel coaxed me as he held a spoonful of porridge near my lips.

"No." I whined, srunching and turning my face away. "I don't want to eat anymore."

Daniel sighed, a hint of tiredness in his voice. "Flower, you need to eat. You need energy after things we've done yesterday so that you don't end up fainting."

I crossed my arms stubbornly, pouting like a child. "I don't like porridge still I ate half a bowl."

"My pretty wifey, you are not a kid. Half a bowl of porridge isn't enough energy for you. Do you want to fall ill and worry Danielle?"

Danielle... My daughter. How long has it been since I have last seen her face?

"Will you bring Danielle to meet me if I eat?"

Daniel's expression softened as he nodded. "Yes, Eleanor. If you finish your breakfast, I'll arrange for you to see Danielle soon. Latest by tomorrow. I promise."

A glimmer of hope sparked within me. Seeing my daughter was the one thing that kept me going, even in this tangled web of Da
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