


My eyes opened when I felt something heavy on top of me. My whole face was covered by it so I can’t see what’s happening or who’s lying on my face.

“Dada...“ Hearing those little voices, my hand slowly and gently lift Cassius who was playfully covering me with his huge tummy. I shook my head when his giggles louden, causing Cauis to wake up as Ruby and Celeste remain sleeping on the huge bed.

“Good morning, my sons.“ I greeted Cassius who was starting to get naughty early in the morning and kissed Cauis on the forehead who was staring at the ceiling while fidgeting his small fingers.

A week had past after what happened and the thought of losing my family from my sight was making me crazy. The triplets are also staying inside my room and sleeping in between me and Ruby, the reason why I haven’t touched my wife even just for a spare minutes.

“Baba...“ My eyes then went to the little angel, Celeste. Her little fingers were trying to reach for Ruby’s breasts, pro
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