
Drums & Decisions

A low beat tugged inside my chest, pulling and pulsating.

Steady and calm, the deep sound of drums throbbed inside of me.

Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum.

The rhythm worked its way through my body like a heavy bass that was making the seat of the car vibrate. I could feel it through my muscles, besides my heartbeats, and in my throat.

The sound was not so harsh or sudden as modern drums, softer and almost bordering dark. Again, I felt the beat tug in my chest like something wanted out. Like the rhythm wanted to pull it out of me. The weird thing was that the sensation was so comfortable. It is soothing and exciting all at the same time.

Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-ba-dum, dum. Ba-dum, ba-dum.

As the vibrations coursed through me, Images of hands slamming down on huge drums appeared in my head—almost hourglass-shaped drums draped with thick white and red paint. Creatures and unknown symbols danced around as the hands kept slamming down on the stretched skin that made the top of it.

Magical and thr
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