

"You want me to get you blood?" Evena asked again so he could be sure of what he had heard previously.

"Yes I am curious about how it tastes. Please Evena." she begged.

Evena looked at her pleading face and despite a niggling voice at the back of his head telling him that this was a bad idea he agreed.

"just wait here, I will be back soon." he told her and then he vanished out of sight.

Ava waited nervously for him to come back. Some few minutes later, Evena appeared with a jar of blood and a glass cup.

He dropped the items on the table in the front of Ava.

"Here you go."

"Thanks." Ava replied with a smile.

Ava stared at the items on the table pensively.

"Ava, you don't have to drink blood if you don't want to? You have nothing to prove to anyone." Evena told her after he saw her hesitation.

"I am not trying to prove anything, I just want to know how it tastes" she replied.

"Okay then."

Ava picked up the jar and poured a little of it into the glass.

She raised it tentatively to he lip
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