

Minx’s heart raced as her mother pointed to Gabriel’s shoes outside.

“Who’s he?” Mrs Jackson, Minx’s mother asked.

“A friend?” Minx managed to say, she wished the ground would open up and swallow her right that instant.

Mr. Jackson didn’t pay attention to details, he only notices the obvious things and nothing was obvious enough.

“Let’s leave the young girl to have fun. It was a long day at work, we should rest.” Mr. Jackson said, reluctant about the smell that filled the room.

The beetroot oil didn’t take it all away because Minx didn’t take her time to cleanse the living room properly.

“What’s that stench?” Mrs. Jackson asked.

Minx’s already signed her fate, she was going to die this minute. “Uhh it’s the beetroot oil” Minx said, she was never good at lying.

“Beetroot oil doesn’t have a smell. Anyways, I’ll get it changed. It seems old.” Mrs. Jackson said as she followed her husband upstairs into their room.”

Minx heaved a deep sigh of relief, she thanked her stars that her mother
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