

Bianca's Pov.

"Aaaah, It's so hot out here, why is it so hot today" I said irritated.

"So fucking annoying." I said flinging the gloves I wore away.

"Watch your mouth young lady! I won't tolerate any of your outbursts again." She hissed, irritated at my behaviour.

I leave what I'm doing and move forward a little from where she's at to watch the chickens fight and scramble for food. Taking deep breaths and sniffing back my tears as I try to think of happy thoughts, but nothing happy is coming to my mind, I only see darkness and sadness.

I don't realise I have been crying loudly until my Aunt's hand holds me firmly but gently on my shoulders, spinning me around to face her. I try to clean the tears as fast as I can before she sees them but she holds my hands to stop me. I can see the sadness in her eyes as she takes her gloves off, reaches for her hand towel and cleans the tears off my eyes.

"Oh Bianca, why won't you tell me what's going on with you, why are you hurting so much, tell
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