
Nora Connolly


Nora Connolly

Nora didn’t know how long she was in the room by herself. What she did know was that she was starving. And weak. And she had tried connecting to Roman using that mate connection thing but she hadn’t gotten a single answer. Maybe she wasn’t even doing it right. Roman, she chanted in her mind, Roman, Roman, ROMAN….

Or maybe their connection wasn’t as strong as Roman had thought. Or he was ignoring her because she’d left. How stupid had she been? But he had promised that he’d help her get what she wanted. Revenge on the person that had killed her parents. And then, just as suddenly, he didn’t want anything to do with her doing that.

“Roman, please….”

She was crying out to no one. Merrick had trapped her. There was no getting out. He wanted to force her to marry him. Wanted a claim on powers that she didn’t even understand. If only her parents hadn’t died. If only her mom had told her that she was a witch. There w
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