
Chapter 1: A Typical Morning.

The loud alarm clock on the nightstand near the bed wakes me up every morning. I drag myself out of bed and into the bathroom like I do every day. I rinse my face with water after brushing my teeth to remove any traces of drowsiness.

I look at my reflection while examining myself in the bathroom's enormous mirror. Some of the tiny hairs in my bun of brunette hair adhered to my damp forehead as water ran down my face.

In the bathroom’s light, I could see my brown eyes. I inherited them from my mother, Rosetta Vanderbilt, the former Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack and the current Luna of the Silver Crescent Moon Pack. I looked exactly like her.

I am proud of the athletic body shape I have kept up till now as someone who will soon turn eighteen.

After dabbing my face with a towel, I changed into a loose black blouse and black leggings for a workout.

I walked downstairs to the ground-floor home gym to start my workout while it was still hazy outside.


After an hour of strenuous exercise, I am out of breath as drops of sweat drip from my forehead. I gladly provided my body with the water it so much desired.

Why do I torture myself like this? Wouldn't it be nice to dream contentedly in my bed instead? I ask myself this question every day.

As soon as I catch my breath, I make my way to the training grounds for combat training.

The sun rose slowly from the horizon, and the sky was bathed in some light as a gentle breeze blew. I noticed my father and my older brother, Luke, were already training.

The name Luke comes from Lucius Xavier Vanderbilt. My older brother. He is the firstborn in our family and the next in line to hold the Alpha position. Even though he appears to be as frigid as winter to most people, he is as warm as the sun to those he deems close to him.

“Good Morning, Father,” I greet father.

“Morning, Josette,” He replies.

Xavier Vanderbilt, my father, is the current Alpha of the Silver Crescent Moon Pack and the former Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack. He is a man of few words, believes in making more allies than enemies, yet remains cautious. His family and Pack always come first. He will sacrifice his life for them without any hesitation.

“Are you ready, Josie? Because I am going to bring you down on your knees.” Luke stated while cracking his knuckles.

Show off.

“If I had a dime for every time I heard that, I’d be rich by now,” I said, smirking.

Luke rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at me mockingly.

In my view, Luke was like a naughty little kid. Given that we had similar looks, I've been mistaken for him several times.

“Okay, enough now. Let's get going. When I tell you to change into your wolf, you won't do it until the other person gives up. Am I clear?” Father sternly questioned.

“Crystal,” Luke and I reply simultaneously.

“On the count of three,” Father stated.





I carefully observed my brother’s moments, just like Ace– our combat trainer– had taught me. His stance stated that he was going to attack, and I was right Luke lunged at me, and with ease, I dodged him. Before he could make his next move, I grabbed his right arm and twisted it behind his back, knocking him to the ground.

But Luke swiftly intertwined his leg with mine making me go off-balanced. I landed on my back with a loud thud as Luke grabbed my shoulder, pushing me down and preventing me from getting up. He got on top of me, wanting me to submit.

Too bad because I am not going down that easy.

I took hold of Luke’s hands, which were still on my shoulders, holding me down. I kneed Luke as hard as I could in his stomach, freeing myself from his hold on me. I sent another powerful kick using my supernatural strength, making Luke go flying on the other side of our backyard.

Sorry, not sorry.

We both got back on our feet as our father said, "shift." Hearing those words made my wolf jump with glee.

I shifted into my beautiful white wolf.


White wolves are very rare in the world of werewolves. Our powers are more remarkable, our speed is faster, and our bodies are more powerful. Our senses are more heightened than those of typical wolves.

Numerous ancient prophecies have mentioned the existence of white wolves as well as their abilities.

White wolves were referred to in the prophecies as Moon Goddess warriors, saviours and protectors of the supernatural world, among other things.

A white wolf is a powerful creature with exceptional abilities.

In the world of supernatural beings, some have devoted their lives to gaining the power of the white wolves, blinded by power and greed.

Our level of power is not something to take lightly. While we can use our abilities for good, they can also be misused for nefarious purposes and lead to catastrophic destruction if in the wrong hands.

Due to their desire for power, those who wanted it began hunting white wolves down, which resulted in all white wolves going into hiding.

The Moon Goddess bestows upon us many extraordinary powers. Powers that I never knew would lead to my undoing—those powers that were once a blessing would become a curse one day.

White wolves are said to have many powers, but till now, I have discovered only a few that reside within me, and I am still learning how to use them.

The only time I can change into a white wolf is in front of my family or on our private property if I want to survive as a white wolf in this harsh environment. If I wanted to live, I would have to keep my status as a white wolf a secret anywhere other than these areas.


I grinned as we both changed because I knew that, as a white wolf, I would be more formidable in battle.

Sometimes, I find it unfair when Father makes Luke combat with me, but according to Father’s theory, this will help Luke excel more, for he has to stand as the alpha one day.

He shifted into an amber wolf. Our wolves growled and lunged at each other as soon as our eyes met. Although it was a fierce battle, I ultimately prevailed as I had expected. Our victory made my wolf, who was ecstatic, wag her tail and stick out her tongue.

Then I shifted back, and so did he; no, we weren't naked.

Get your head out of the gutter!

We get along well with witches, vampires, and other werewolf packs, and my father enjoys friendships with various supernatural creatures. Since times have changed, the new era joins the factions together and binds us. A little help from the witches saved the werewolves from the embarrassment of shifting naked.

My brother growled in frustration as he lost again.

“It's okay, son, you're getting stronger by the day, and probably soon you'll resemble Josie," my father reassured Luke.

To calm himself, Luke took a deep breath.

Our heads snapped toward the white patio door of our mansion as it opened, and our eyes turned toward the person opening the entrance.

My father smiled at the sight of mom entering. Mom gave father a quick peck on his cheek before informing us that breakfast was ready.


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