
62. Last person

“Urgh, relax, he’s safe and sound.” She rolled her eyes, “Your husband’s not an easy man to kill.”

“Then what do you mean by what you just said?”

“Oh, sweetie, you’re not asking the right questions.” She said, “Are you sure you don’t want to take a seat? Because what I’m going to tell you might just shake you off the ground.”

“Well, what is it?” She asked, “Are you here to feed me more lies? Steal more property from under my nose? Or wait, this is my favorite, spew lies about me so I get thrown out?”

“Well, Jamie’s father is an important man to us, Emma, so you can imagine why we had to do that.” She said, “You should have known better than to mess with us again. You know you’re fighting a losing battle.”

Emma bit back the urge to remind her that she was indeed in the lead, and that it was them that were losing in the background. After taking possession of her father’s original will, Emma essentially got everything she ever wanted. When she would produce them in court, she was wi
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