
Chapter 30

By the time we ascend the stairs towards the Alpha’s quarters, it’s no longer shame I feel—it’s rage. So few things are sacred to our kind, and Darius tramples over them all with blatant indifference. Family, honor, unity, the purity of our wolf form—they mean nothing to him. He’s just another power-hungry asshole coasting on his birthright and inherited strength.

He closes the door softly after we enter his home, suddenly kneeling beside me before even removing his coat. A feral growl slips from me, and I can’t help but snap at his hand as he reaches for the collar around my neck. He laughs. “Easy now, unless you want me to leave it on.”

I’m surprised when he grabs hold of it undoing the clasp without gloves. His skin doesn’t burn. “Perks of being part vampire,” he comments, as if reading my mind. My anger is momentarily surpassed by the panic that he may actually be able to read my mind, invade what privacy I have left.

“No, I can’t read your mind,” he again replies without me say
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