
Chapter 43

The notorious Racer Gang leader was on his knees! He was actually kneeling before Andrius!

The whole room was so silent that everyone’s pounding heartbeats could be heard. No one understood what just happened.

Amidst their astonished gazes, Andrius stated, “I remember you. You were beside Jamire that night…”

When he heard Andrius, Lothar forced a bitter smile on his face.

He had been there when Jamire summoned his men at the Northern Point construction site to confront Andrius. He had witnessed the Lycantroops marching on them and the hundred tractors leveling the entire construction site to the ground.

From that night onwards, Lothar had branded Andrius’ face in his mind so that he would never cross paths with the devil again.

Now, the devil just declared that he remembered him.

What else was more terrifying than that?

Lothar gulped nervously. He roared, “On your knees!”

He held the most power in the Racer Gang, so obviously, no one in the gang dared to disobey him.
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