
Chapter 65

“I got it! I got it!” Connor nodded repeatedly. “Thank you, Ms. Crestfall, thank you! I will be prepared for tomorrow!”

Then, he had a glance at Andrius, and when he did not see any disapproving expression on the man’s face, he breathed a sigh of relief and got up.

He apologized a few more times before he left in a hurry.

Luna watched the man leave her sight as she pondered.

When she returned to her office, she asked, “Andrius, tell me the truth. Why did Connor look so horrified when he sees you?”

Andrius simply said, “Maybe he’s scared of me beating him up.”

“You are the one who beat him up?”

Luna was slightly surprised. She rolled her eyes at him and looked somewhat angry. “Don’t simply throw your fist at someone. Don’t forget you are still my nominal husband. I don’t want to be involved in anything unpleasant.”

Andrius remained silent.

Luna coldly grunted at his silence, “This is a lawful society. Things won’t get solved with a fist or violence.”

Andrius did not
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