
Chapter 10 Shades of Grey

The room fell into stunned silence as all eyes turned toward Alessia.

Surprised by her sudden outburst, even she couldn’t believe how forcefully her words had escaped her lips.

Lara’s eyes pleaded with Alessia, silently urging her not to reveal the truth about the article.

But it was too late—Jeramy had already let slip that Lara wasn’t solely responsible for the article.

The truth was already halfway out of the bag.

Alessia couldn’t bear to watch Lara face Logan Wilde’s wrath alone or witness her suffer the consequences of their shared secret.

She knew that she, too, must shoulder her part of the responsibility.

Summoning her courage, Alessia’s voice rang out in defiance. ‘You have no right to take Lara away,’ she declared, her tone filled with conviction. ‘It’s against the law.’

Logan’s eyes narrowed, his gaze chillingly cold as he stared down Alessia.

The weight of his dominance and authority bore down upon her, but she refused to back down.

Terence offered a silent prayer for the young woman who dared to openly challenge Mr Wilde’s authority.

Many had attempted the same before, only to face dire consequences.

He knew the risks Alessia was taking.

Jeramy, a mix of frustration and fear etched across his face, dismissed Alessia with a stern warning.

‘Mr Wilde, please forgive Alessia,’ he grovelled, his words laden with deference. ‘She is a new employee and may not fully comprehend how things work.’

Alessia bristled at Jeramy’s attempt to diminish and silence her.

She stood her ground, and her words rang out loud and clear. ‘We have the right to report on public events and public figures,’ she asserted, her voice resolute. ‘Mr Logan Wilde, as a prominent public figure, and the party at The Grand Opulence Hotel were all part of the public domain. Writing about you and Miss Olivia Anderson, as well as capturing photographs, falls within our rights. It’s not an invasion of privacy or a breach of the law.’

Her colleagues, inspired by Alessia’s impassioned defence, nodded in eager agreement, their eyes reflecting a newfound sense of unity.

However, a sharp glance from Logan silenced their collective support.

The weight of his presence demanded their obedience.

But Alessia refused to be cowered.

She turned her gaze back to Logan, her voice filled with conviction. ‘If you believe your privacy has been invaded or if you feel slandered, you have every right to pursue legal channels,’ she declared boldly. ‘But you cannot take away a staff member of the newspaper and resort to private punishment.’

Logan’s face remained stoic and inscrutable, his gaze locked with Alessia’s.

He contemplated her words, the gears of his mind turning behind his piercing eyes.

With deliberate calmness, he asked the question that hung in the air between them. ‘And what if I insist on taking Miss Morris away?’

Alessia’s composure wavered slightly.

She swallowed the lump forming in her throat, her voice steadying as she tried to muster her courage. ‘Then I will have no choice but to call the police,’ she replied, her tone laced with determination.

Logan’s lips curled into a faint, knowing smile.

The game of wills between them intensified, the air crackling with tension.

‘On whose behalf would you call the police?’ he asked, his voice deceptively calm. ‘And on what grounds? May I remind you, Miss Morris herself has agreed to come with us.’

He shot a questioning glance at Lara, who nodded nervously.

Alessia’s mind raced, searching for a fitting response, but she found herself momentarily stumped.

The weight of Logan’s challenge pressed upon her, his superiority suffocating her bravado.

Sensing her hesitation, Logan leaned in closer, his voice a low, commanding whisper. ‘You see, Miss Jansen, the world is not as black and white as you believe it to be,’ he murmured, his breath grazing her ear. ‘There are always shades of grey, and I happen to hold power over many of them.’

Alessia’s resolve wavered under the weight of his proximity and the power he exuded.

Alessia’s heart pounded in her chest as panic surged through her veins. She watched in alarm as Logan ordered his imposing bodyguards to take Lara Morris away.

Determined not to let an injustice occur before her eyes, Alessia summoned her courage and stepped forward, blocking Logan’s path.

‘You can’t do this! This is kidnapping!’ she protested, her voice laced with desperation.

Logan’s eyes locked onto Alessia’s, his face impassive.

Without warning, he leaned forward, invading her personal space.

The scent of his cologne enveloped her, making her senses reel.

Startled, she instinctively leaned back, but Logan leaned in even closer until their noses nearly touched.

The intimate proximity sent shivers down Alessia’s spine.

In a low, chilling whisper, Logan’s voice reached her ears. ‘If you insist on blocking my way, I won’t hesitate to continue the punishment I meted out earlier in the hallway,’ he warned, his breath caressing her skin.

Alessia’s heart skipped a beat.

The memory of their earlier encounter flooded her mind—the forceful kiss, the overwhelming sensations that had left her breathless.

Fear mingled with a strange and unsettling desire as she grappled with her conflicting emotions.

Alessia took an involuntary step back, her resolve momentarily shaken.

But determination burned within Alessia’s core.

She gritted her teeth, gathered her strength, and stepped forward once again.

Meeting Logan’s penetrating gaze, she mirrored his earlier whisper, ensuring that only the two of them could hear their words.

‘I know what you’re trying to do, Mr Wilde,’ she replied, her voice steady despite the quiver in her heart. ‘If you release Lara, I’m willing to go with you.’

Logan sneered, his eyes glinting with a mix of mockery and disbelief.

He retorted sarcastically, ‘Oh, how flattering. What makes you believe I would want someone like you?’

Alessia felt a sting of humiliation, but she refused to let it deter her.

She held her head high, her eyes locking with his challenging gaze. ‘It’s not about what you want,’ she fired back, her voice laced with defiance. ‘It’s about ensuring justice and fairness. Let Lara go, and I will willingly accompany you.’

The room fell into stunned silence as Logan turned away from Alessia, his dismissive stride cutting through the tension like a blade.

He walked out of the karaoke room, leaving everyone in a state of disbelief and confusion.

Alessia’s determination surged as she chased after Logan, her heart pounding.

She swiftly blocked his path, confronting him with a fiery gaze.

‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ Alessia demanded.

Logan’s expression hardened, his voice dripping with aloofness. ‘This is between Lara Morris and me. It’s none of your d*mn business.’

Alessia felt the sting of his barbed words and shot back, ‘Well, maybe that’s true, but that kiss between us earlier was definitely my business.’

Logan’s eyes flickered with a hint of something unreadable. ‘The kiss was your deserved punishment. And I was merely trying to confirm something.’

Infuriated, Alessia pressed him, her voice laced with frustration. ‘Confirm what, Logan? Don’t leave me hanging!’

Without offering an explanation, Logan abruptly turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Alessia standing there, a mix of emotions swirling within her.

To make things worse, Jeramy Chavez emerged from the karaoke room, his suspicious gaze fixed on Alessia.

He wasted no time probing. ‘What did you and Mr Wilde talk about?’

Alessia dismissed it with a casual shrug, her voice nonchalant. ‘Oh, nothing important. ‘

Jeramy’s scepticism was palpable as he remarked, ‘You seem to be on rather friendly terms with Mr Wilde. Are you sure you don’t know him personally?’

Alessia swiftly denied any personal connection, her voice dripping with feigned innocence. ‘Please, Mr Chavez, you know I don’t move in the same circle as the esteemed Mr Wilde. I don’t know him from a hole in the wall.’

Jeramy remained unconvinced, his suspicion lingering.

He shifted the focus, reminding Alessia of the trouble the photos had caused BuzzBeat.

Alessia was stunned by his shameless audacity.

‘Mr Chavez, let’s get one thing straight,’ Alessia retorted, her voice firm. ‘I took the photos, but they went through the usual process. You, as the chief editor, reviewed and approved them. So, let’s share the blame, shall we?’

Jeramy stumbled, caught off guard by her bold accusation.

He struggled to find a response, his words faltering in the face of her justified argument.

‘Never mind that now. This is not the time to point fingers.’ Alessia’s concern for Lara Morris couldn’t be contained any longer. ‘Mr Chavez, shouldn’t we call the police? I mean, Logan’s men took Lara away. This isn’t right!’

Jeramy’s fear overshadowed any sense of justice, his voice laced with apprehension. ‘No, Alessia, we can’t involve the police. Logan Wilde is a man we can’t afford to cross. Besides, Lara will probably be released tomorrow. I’m sure he won’t do anything drastic.’

Alessia’s disgust at Jeramy’s obsequiousness and disregard for their colleague simmered within her.

‘You’re such a spineless lackey, Jeramy,’ Alessia muttered under her breath.

Despite having just landed a job today, she no longer felt so optimistic about working under a man who bowed down to the rich and powerful while treating his own employees like trash.

Jeramy’s gaze lingered on Alessia’s body, thinking back to the interrupted scene in his office earlier today. ‘Hey, it’s getting late, and it’s not safe for a girl like you to be out alone. Let me give you a ride.’

Alessia rolled her eyes, her voice dripping with sarcasm. ‘Oh, thank you, knight in shining armour. But I can handle myself just fine, thanks.’

Jeramy persisted, his voice taking on a patronizing tone. ‘But what if something happens to you? You need protection.’

Alessia’s eyes narrowed, her voice filled with biting wit. ‘Oh, please! Your presence wouldn’t be of much help. You stood idly by while Lara was taken away, and you weren’t any help then either.’

With a dismissive wave, Alessia excused herself, leaving Jeramy fuming with insult and humiliation.

He quickly blocked her path, his face red with anger.

‘What the hell do you think you’re doing? Is that how you talk to your boss?’ Jeramy spat, his voice dripping with menace. ‘I can fire you right now!’

Alessia shrugged, her voice filled with defiance. ‘Go ahead, Jeramy. Fire me if you dare. But remember, it was your lack of action that allowed Lara to be taken. Working under a spineless chief editor like you, I might as well be next.’

Jeramy’s fury surged, his voice brimming with venom. ‘You signed a contract, Alessia. If you resign without a valid reason in the first six months, you’ll owe BuzzBeat ten times your monthly salary. Think about that.’

Smirking, Alessia met his threat head-on, her voice confident. ‘I’ll take my chances, Jeramy. You can shove your contract. I’m not afraid of you.’

She swiftly exited the karaoke lounge, the night breeze clearing her alcohol-addled mind.

As she stepped into the embrace of the cool night, her phone buzzed, drawing her attention.

A gentle smile graced her lips as she answered the call from her five-year-old son, Milo.

‘Hey, sweetheart.’ Her voice filled with tenderness. ‘I thought you went to bed already. Did you miss Mommy? I’ll be home soon, don’t worry.’

‘It’s not that,’ Milo said calmly. ‘Aunt Veronica has been checking her watch every two minutes. I think she’s running late. Maybe I should ask her to head out first.’

‘No!’ Alessia said quickly. ‘You can’t be left alone in the apartment. Ask Aunt Veronica to stay put. I’ll get a taxi and be home in twenty minutes.’

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