
Chapter 846

"Candice, something's wrong! You're not on the confirmation list!" Vanessa Yates, shifting her office chair closer, urgently whispered to Candice, "Hurry and check the email. Your name isn't there."

Candice's beautiful face instantly fell. In disbelief, she grabbed her mouse and clicked open the company email.

She murmured to herself, "That's impossible. I passed the three-month evaluation, and my design was selected for the next season's collection. Why isn't my name there?"

Vanessa, equally perplexed, suggested, "I don't know why. You should ask the director."

Candice scanned the email again. Every intern's name was listed except hers.

Vanessa leaned in, frustration in her voice. "This is unfair. You've been the best performer among the interns. Why is your name missing?"

Candice released the mouse and clenched her fists, her eyes welling up. It wasn't just about the job; she knew she could find work elsewhere.

What stung was the excellence she had consistently shown, e
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