



"Whatever for?" He whined. He was pissed now. I knew he was but he was not about to dictate my life for me. I wouldn't let that happen.

"Well, I don't want to fight with anyone anymore. This whole experience has taught me a lot about life and not to keep grudges with anyone anymore. So you could have told me without sending him away." I said with a calm tone so as not to rattle him. However, it didn't work as he stood up.

"Well if that's the case you can call him to come back. So much for protecting you." He said and resumed walking off.

"Femi, Femi,!" I yelled but he slammed the door on his way out but not before whispering "I can't believe you."

What did I do?



I couldn't believe her right now. How could she say that she wanted to talk to Chike after all he had done to inflict pains on her. She was willing to see him.

My chest hurt so much. I couldn't understand it. Was I being a fool for protecting her from obvious danger? Was she perhaps falling for him
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