



To other people who were offended by my actions in the past. I am sorry. Truly and wholeheartedly. I would also like to request that my fiancée stop being attacked. It is not a light skin or dark skin thing. And no, she is not stupid for being with me. I cannot begin to say how many times I had to prove myself to her. Lol, I bought her designers and diamonds and she didn't give a rat's ass about those things. She finally said yes to me when I fully proved that I was for her and I wasn't playing some sick game. Please not to much on my baby.

To Ama, I love you so much and I will always be by your side, no matter what. Here's to forever my love." I finished and didn't even read it back. I just sent it.

I sighed and tossed my phone. The elevator bell rang. "Please whoever it is better dont come and stress me more than I already am."

I looked and it was Tunde. "You saw didn't you?" I said.

He sat beside me "Yeah I mean I am trending as well. I'm on the bottom but we
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