
Chapter 217

Sarah heaved a sigh of relief and got up on her feet.

She realized that both her legs were shaking.

It was her first time applying the acupuncture techniques on someone. Although the entire process seemed to be running smoothly, she was the only one who knew that she was freaking out.

Extremely nervous.

“I’m here.” A big palm held her hand gently, followed by a familiar scent at her side. James looked as if he knew how to read minds, realizing that Sarah was having PTSD and then appearing magically by her side to calm her down.

Sarah turned around slowly, thinking that James had taken Xander to the supermarket without giving a damn about this man’s life or death.

Even if he did not come to her, she would never blame him.

Everybody had a different path of life, shaping different personalities and forming different ways of problem solving.

Even so, she was taken by surprise that James went over.

“Young lady, is he still able to regain his consciousness?” The crowd was still wor
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