
chapter 34

Sorin stood at the threshold of the grand hall, watching as Andrea, now his wife, gracefully moved among their guests. It had been six months since their marriage, and despite the tumultuous beginning, Sorin found himself strangely content.

The Zaveri Estate buzzed with laughter and music, a stark contrast to the somber atmosphere that once plagued its halls. Sorin's father, Mr. Araimis Zaveri, stood by his side, a rare smile gracing his usually stoic face. "She's quite a catch, isn't she?" Aramis remarked, his voice carrying a hint of pride.

Sorin nodded, his gaze fixed on Andrea. "Yes, she is," he replied softly, his thoughts drifting back to their wedding day—a day that seemed to mark a turning point in his life.


**Flashback to the Wedding Day:**

The sun cast a golden hue over the sprawling Zaveri Estate, lending an air of warmth to the occasion. Sorin stood at the altar, nerves mingling with anticipation as Andrea walked down the aisle. Her beauty took his breath away, her eye
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