
chapter 80

Days turned into weeks as Sorin, Andrea, Kelvin, and Mr. Araimis delved deeper into the investigation at Zaveri Enterprises. Together, they meticulously combed through financial records, interviewed key personnel, and analyzed data trails in pursuit of the elusive culprits responsible for the company's internal turmoil.

Amid their efforts, tensions within the company simmered. Whispers of suspicion and uncertainty rippled through the corridors, casting a shadow of mistrust among employees who once prided themselves on their loyalty to the Zaveri legacy.

One evening, Sorin found himself standing alone in his office, staring out at the city skyline that shimmered under the twilight sky. The weight of responsibility bore down on his shoulders, a stark reminder of the challenges he faced as CEO.

Andrea entered quietly, her presence a comforting presence amidst the turmoil. She approached Sorin, her expression thoughtful as she surveyed him with concern.

"You've been working non-stop," she
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