

*The Camp Of The Undead*

*Devil's Lane*

The pungent smell of blood was what jolted them awake, apart from the smell of blood, there was an overpowering smell of stench and rot, just inhaling this smell made them want to throw up.

" Aaaaargh!"

Kylie shrieked in horror at the pile of rotting bodies piled up beside them, some of them had began to decompose and some were merely a pile of bones, she shrieked again as a group of insects crawled upon her legs.

Royal blinked in shock, the last thing he remembered was eating in the car, how did he end up in this cage.

He tried to stand on his feet but to his horror, his two feet had been chained to the ground, he looked around and realized he wasn't just the only one, Kylie and his mother had been chained to the ground as well.

" Mother! Please tell me I'm dreaming!!"

A soft clear laughter floated into the room and the trio blinkef in a daze as the figure came into view, dressed in a grey robe with a golden mask on her face was Daera, the le
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